The Dresden electoral district 45 – Dresden 3 is a very heterogeneous electoral district. The results of the last two state elections emphasize that besides the CDU, also the Left party (LINKEN) and the Greens (GRÜNEN) received a notable percentage of the votes.


Especially in this situation, it is important for me to be active and dedicated to my political goals. It is important for me to convince you the voters of the better concepts of the CDU for more jobs, better education and decentralization of power. I do not want to promote populist goals. The left party and the SPD do not provide plausible and strong arguments for the current situation and hardships, but rather conceal particularly how and who has to pay these new debts.


This year were are therefore at a waypoint to decide what political direction to take: a left government with a centralized state, higher deficit spending and debt, generational injustice or a strong CDU candidate with smart and reasonable answers and pragmatic solutions.



Results of the state election 2009 – first Votes in the electoral district 45 – Dresden 3



Results (in Ppercent)

Schreiber (CDU)

29,53 %

Dr. Franke (LINKE)

22,17 %

Friedel (SPD)

12,00 %

Lichdi (GRÜNE)

22,31 %

Hintze (FDP)

7,74 %

Zander (NPD)

2,98 %


Results of the state election 2004 – first Votes in the electoral district 45 – Dresden 3



results (in percent)

de Haas (CDU)

32,97 %

Weckesser (PDS)

29,03 %

Mägel (SPD)

12,15 %

Lichdi (GRÜNE)

16,19 %

Fischer (FDP)

6,55 %

Galle (BüSo)

3,11 %


Results of the state election 1999 – first Votes in the electoral district 45 – Dresden 3



results (in percent)

de Haas (CDU)

45,0 %

Weckesser (PDS)

32,2 %

Vits (SPD)

11,2 %

Schönfelder (GRÜNE)

6,9 %

Zastrow (FDP)

1,3 %

Schwarz (REP)

1,7 %

Stange (FORUM)

0,7 %